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The Royal is the exclusive interpretation of the more elegant and refined side by side, side lock system H.& H. Every commentary is unnecessary, suffice it to watch its lines to be fascinated as in front of a muse.

Mechanical :
manual factory

Engraving :
on request

Stock :
briar walnut

Ejector :
automatic or manual

Trigger :
on request single or double

Receiver :

Choke :
on request

Barrells :
on request

Chambers :
2 3/4 - 3

Caliber :

Model :

Batteries :
side lock H.&.H. system





Marco Rigido New System Arms - Via Mazzini 30 - 13882 Cerrione (BI) Italy 0039 015 671700 info@newsystemarms.com

M.R. NEW System Arms - Inventions - Prototipe Express - Luxury Arms
Costruzione, customizzazione, invenzioni, armi fine e di precisione per caccia, tiro e difesa
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